Change in the world is so rapid, so widespread, and so constant that it can feel at times like it is impossible to keep up. The world is yelling “Speed it up!” just when businesses thought they were finally keeping pace.

The degree to which an organization can implement appropriate adaptive responses to change is dependent on its effectiveness and efficiency.

Effectiveness is the ability to produce a better result, one that delivers more value. Efficiency is the ability to create and deliver this value using the least amount of time, effort, and resources.

Sprocket® is a business optimization program developed by an SBA Small Business Person of the Year to help leaders reengineer their organization to improve effectiveness and efficiency.

Leaders and their teams take a series of online assessments that evaluate how well the 5 critical components of successful organizations are working (or not). Based on the results, we provide personalized recommendations for the organization to put into action to get fast and impactful results.

The Purpose Component: A Purpose statement is optimized when it functions as a giant magnet, strongly attracting loyal and likeminded customers and employees.

The Strategy Component: A Strategy is optimized when it is focused on the organization’s core competencies, each of which achieves alignment between the Get and Give Fingerprints of the customers who provide the greatest value.

The Structure Component: A business Structure is optimized when it identifies the functional areas of the organization and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each, assesses the correct type of knowledge needed for key results, and uses an effective method to share that knowledge with the goal of providing the greatest value to customers and the organization.

The Processes Component: The Processes (Rules, Policies, Processes, and Procedures) are optimized when mistakes are minimized, delegation is maximized, productivity is effective and efficient, accountability is high in all levels of the organization, and employees can see a defined career path supported by an appropriate professional development plan.

The Culture Component: A business Culture is optimized when its architecture (Purpose, Strategy, Structure, and Processes) is optimized, the incentives it uses are closely tailored to both this architecture and its Core Values, and these incentives are tied to behaviors (inputs) rather than results (outputs).

Sprocket can be purchased by all non-partner members of Partner Business Associations.

Learn how to get out of neutral, get into gear, and drive your business forward with Sprocket!

Sprocket Organizational Assessment

The Sprocket Organizational Assessment includes:

  • Quick (5-10 mins), online questionnaire to assess where your organization presently is
  • Anonymous, compiled and aggregated results of the participants
  • Sprocket Adaptive Response Score indicating the resiliency of your organization
  • Detailed report of where you are, where you need to be, and how to get there for each component