ComCon™: Growing Local by Showing Local™

ComCon™ (short for community connection) is America’s one-stop-shop for all things local. This online marketplace serves as the Digital Gateway to the Local Scene, allowing users to easily find and support local businesses, local events, and local nonprofits anywhere in the country. All they need is an internet connection. There is no fee to use and no app to download.

Users can easily search for Members (Eats, Libations, Lodging, Salons, Services, Shops) and Partners (Biz Champions, Bizs on the Go, Happenings and Community Banks) using our dynamic map or more traditional information cards. They can also seamlessly access the website of any listed business without having to leave ComCon™ and risk getting lost in internet navigation traps.

ComCon™ is the aspirin for the headaches caused by frustrating algorithms, expensive paid ads, and snarky reviews.

It’s all local, all the time.

Check it out by visiting or by clicking on the See Your Local Scene button in the header!

All local members of our Business Association Partners are included in ComCon™ at no charge.