Local businesses not only drive local economies, they also increase the level of social and civic engagement in their communities by financially supporting local nonprofits, schools, churches, youth sports programs, and arts councils. These businesses not only donate money but donate their time and leadership skills by serving on boards and organizing events and programs that directly benefit the members of their communities. And they do all of this while working to keep the lights on and the register ringing.

Simply put, local businesses are highly invested in their communities, and are immensely motivated to help keep them strong and vibrant. They work hard to manifest unity in community, creating a strong sense of pride in place. They understand that better communities provide better opportunities.  Despite these efforts, their contributions go largely unnoticed because they don’t go around tooting their own horn.

Giving Stories® are just that – stories about the wonderful things local businesses give to their communities. Whether the focus is on dollars given, volunteer hours donated, or unique community involvement projects, Giving Stories® are beautiful narratives that use impactful graphics and authentic storytelling to shine a light on good people doing good work.

Check out our Giving Stories® library at www.givingstories.org.

Small Businesses Donate 250%

More than larger businesses to local non-profits and community causes

What's Good for your Community...

Is Good for Business...

Consumers have a more positive image of a company who gives to charity.
Consumers want to know how companies are supporting charitable causes.

And your Employees.

Company-sponsored volunteering improves employee leadership and professional skills
Company-sponsored volunteering helps employee well-being
Employees who volunteer are happy with their employer

Stats from SCORE

Times are changing. The younger generations are increasingly supporting businesses that do charitable acts or donate money to humanitarian causes. Giving Stories® allows you to showcase how your business gives back, in a visually captivating and intriguing story. Share how you help your community, and why supporting your business is important. Connect with your community with Giving Stories®!